Tuesday, May 15, 2012


DAN'S GRADUATION, May 11, 2012 University of Florida Levin School of Law

Last Friday morning we drove to Gainesville for Commencement.  We arrived in time to visit him at his apartment before heading to the ceremony.

Dan's Truck

Apartment Facade

After our brief visit we drove to the campus.

Stephen C. O' Connell Center

Here are some photographs of the ceremony highlights! 

Before the Graduates arrive

After they received their Doctor of Justice Mantel

It's over!  

Dan & Peter

Dan and Peter

Dan and Me

The ceremony was followed by an outdoor reception at the Law School.  Unfortunately it was so hot, I did not get a photo of Dan in his cap and gown.  We had fun, anyway.  

Next entry will be all about dinner that night and our Inn!


  1. Congrats to you and Peter and, especially, to Dan!
    What an accomplishment!
    Dan is huge! How did that happen?
    Glad you had a great day.
    It sure gets HOT in G'ville!

    1. KJ, Danny has been well over 6 feet tall since High School. It turns out there are tall people on my side of the family. A surprise to all. Lisa is at least 5'8"! G'ville was hot, but we did have a nice breeze while we were in town.
